1112 W. 6th St, Suite 210, Lawrence, Kansas 66044


5120 SW 28th St
Topeka, K S 66614

“Am I too old for _____?


Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, M.D.

I see patients for a cosmetic procedure that sometimes ask me if they are “too old” to be undergoing an elective procedure like a facelift, eyelid surgery, abdominoplasty, cosmetic breast surgery, and other cosmetic procedures.  I do turn down patients for cosmetic procedures but it’s usually not because of their age.

I don’t think patients are “too old” for most procedures if they are in good health, choose the appropriate procedure and have realistic expectations.   People are living longer, healthier lives than their parents and grandparents and I have a number of friends and patients who are doing great well into their 90’s.  So when I evaluate a patient, I am looking more closely at their overall health, the procedure we are contemplating, and their expectations than I am at their numeric age.  

Our anesthesia team will need a few screening labs for older patients, and an EKG when indicated.  Older patients may need to see their primary physician for medical clearance to ensure safety.  But if everything checks out, I’ve found that our older patients do great and have been some of our favorites!

So is a patient “too old” for a procedure?  I think we’ve seen that in surgery and the rest of life that if you’re heathy, motivated, and have reasonable expectations, you’re not too old for anything!