Breast Reconstruction Revision After Mastectomy

Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy Overview

As our practice has evolved we no longer are available for immediate breast reconstruction procedures. With our long experience in breast reconstruction (we introduced this procedure to Lawrence in 1994) we bring this knowledge to revise and correct the breasts of those who have undergone breast reconstruction many years ago or very recently.  While we urge patients to first seek correction with the plastic surgeon who performed the original reconstruction, this is not always possible.  We’re here to help guide you through your decision to correct your breast reconstruction.

Why Revise Your Reconstruction?

Patients see us for breast reconstruction revision for a variety of reasons, most commonly:

  • Changes to the reconstructed breast, the normal breast or both associated with aging or weight change.
  • Dissatisfaction with appearance or symmetry following their reconstruction
  • Concerns regarding their implant(s) such as possible rupture, capsular contracture, or displacement.
  • Fat grafting to correct deformities cause by partial mastectomy.
  • The original surgeon has retired,  moved away, or was unresponsive to their concerns


We occasionally see patients midway through their reconstructive process for an opinion regarding their care and a possible change of surgeons.  While we are happy to see these patients we generally suggest they discuss their concerns with the surgeon who initiated the reconstruction.  They are often in a better position to finish the process they started.

Your First Visit

At your initial consultation we’ll discuss your concerns, evaluate your breasts, and explain available options.  If you have records from your previous procedures please bring them with you.  We will discuss our recommendations and develop an operative plan. Photographs will be taken and we can initiate the insurance predetermination process.

Types of Revision Techniques

After your evaluation, we can discuss what may be needed for satisfactory correction of your breasts.  There is no “one size fits all” approach to revision surgery, and it requires careful discussion and planning with an experienced plastic surgeon.

Breast asymmetry- solutions

  • Breast reduction on the opposite side
  • Breast lift (mastopexy)
  • Implant placement or exchange
  • Fat grafting for volume enhancement


Implant problems- solutions

  • Implant removal and replacement
  • Capsulectomy to remove scar tissue (capsular contracture)
  • Capsulorrhaphy (correction of the implant pocket) to reposition implants

Shape problems- solutions

  • Implant exchange
  • Scar revision
  • Fat grafting


A single procedure or several may be performed at a given surgical session. These are typically outpatient procedures with recovery times that range from a few days to 1-2 weeks.

View the Breast Reconstruction Procedure in 3D

Reconstruction Guide