Breast Implant Replacement or Removal

If you are having problems with a breast implant, silicone or saline, or simply desire cosmetic improvement, we have a long experience with a wide variety of implant types and can help you understand your options including simple replacement, capsulotomy/capsulectomy, en bloc removal, pocket revision, and more.

Breast Implant Replacement or Removal Overview

Your First Visit

Prior to your surgery, we will obtain as much information as we can about your existing implants.  Of course, if we have placed your original implants we will have this information readily available. If they were placed elsewhere, we will do our best to find these records with your help. This information is very helpful in choosing your new implants.

The operative procedure performed depends on multiple factors and we adapt our surgical technique according to your needs.

The Procedure

The surgical procedure of implant removal/replacement ranges from very short (less than 1 hour) to fairly long and complex (3 hours or more). We perform most of these procedures in the operating room under a general anesthetic on an outpatient basis. Some implant removals can be performed in our office using local anesthesia.

Types of Procedures

A brief listing of the possible operations:

  • Saline implant replacement after deflation–  A fairly brief procedure, especially if the implant has just recently deflated.  We can utilize existing scars for our incision, and existing pocket for implant placement.  Minimal pain, short recovery time
  • Silicone implant removal for implant deflation or leakage– More extensive than above, as the breast capsule must be removed in its entirety along with the implant, a fairly tedious process.  The original incision may have to be enlarged to accomplish this.  If new implants are placed, we may have to create a new pocket inside the breast for placement.  If new implants are not placed, a breast lift (mastopexy) may need to be performed to reshape the remaining breast tissue for a cosmetically acceptable appearance.  These procedures tend to be longer with a longer recovery time.
  • En-bloc implant and capsule removal-  In some cases it may be necessary to remove the implant and surrounding capsule completely and an “en bloc” removal is indicated.  This involves removing the implant and capsule as a single unit.  This typically involves a longer incision and potentially longer recovery than with a straightforward implant removal when the capsule is in normal condition.
  • Size change, silicone or saline implants–  Removing an implant and replacing it with a larger size is usually a short, straightforward procedure as we can utilize your existing incision scar and implant pocket.  Recovery time is fairly short, usually a few days.  If your existing implants are removed and significantly smaller ones are placed, you may require a breast lift (mastopexy) to reshape the breast, as there otherwise may be an excess of skin.  If this is the case we will need to utilize incisions longer than your existing scars, and the operative time (and recovery) will be increased.

Reasons for Removal

Patients who may need their implants removed or replaced usually see us for one or more of the following reasons:

Implant deflation (saline implants)– Saline breast implants can develop a small hole and allow the saline to leak out, especially as they get older. The loss of volume in a saline implant typically occurs over a fairly short period of time, sometimes just a day or two.  The breast becomes smaller and softer as the body absorbs the saline.  Although not a dangerous situation, patients usually see us because of their concerns over the asymmetry that becomes obvious and seek replacement.

Implant deflation (silicone implants)– If silicone implants leak, the capsule that forms around the implant often contains the silicone gel, so there may be no noticeable change in the feel or appearance of the breast. However, the gel can sometimes trigger an inflammatory change in the capsule resulting in a contracture of the capsule and a firm, even painful breast. The silicone gel can also escape from the capsule into the surrounding tissues. This was especially true with the older implants made in the 1970’s and 1980’s, when the gel was much thinner than today’s implants.  In either of these cases, implant removal, with or without replacement, is suggested.

Size changes– We have seen patients that were initially very happy with their appearance when they underwent implant placement many years ago, whether for cosmetic or reconstructive reasons, who now desire a size change or implant removal due to changes in their figure due to weight changes or the normal aging process.

Implant “upgrade”– Most patients who underwent implant placement in the 1990’s and early 2000’s had saline implants placed.  While the majority of patients achieved good results, some patients have expressed a desire to have these exchanged for silicone implants as these generally have a more natural feel and are less prone to rippling.

Capsular contracture–  Patients occasionally will develop a capsular contracture, which is a tightening of the body’s tissue that forms around the implant.  In some cases, we can address this surgically and use your existing implants but we generally recommend replacement with new implants especially if they are older ones.

Implant problems-  This covers recurrent pain, capsular contracture or other symptoms which are occasionally associated with implants.

Common Questions

Do implants need to be replaced based on their age?

No. We only recommend removing or replacing implants if there is a clinical reason to do so. If you’re happy with your implants and they’re not causing any problems, leave them alone.  As the old saying goes, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”

Is there any kind of warranty that will help pay for having my implants replaced if they deflate?

Usually, but it depends on when they were placed and the manufacturer.  The current manufacturers have warranties that will replace the implants and help cover the cost of your surgery if they fail within 5-10 years. There may be other coverage available as well even after longer periods.  We will help you through this process and receive any funds or reimbursement you are entitled to.

Does insurance cover implant removal/replacement?

It often depends on why the implants were originally placed.  If they were placed for reconstruction, insurance companies will usually cover subsequent surgery.  It they were placed for purely cosmetic reasons, you may have to pay for any additional surgery yourself.

Financing & Payment Options

For information regarding insurance and payment options, please visit our Financing page. We can give you price information prior to the procedure so you can understand your financial obligations.

Patient Forms

Please fill out paperwork at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment.

How It Works

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