Laser Treatment of Age Spots
Flat brown spots gradually accumulate and grow in size and number as we age and the effects of time and sun exposure become more visible. While these are not dangerous, they can become unsightly and patients are often seeking to have them removed with minimal downtime, pain, and scarring. Laser treatment of these lesions is our preferred method of removal because it’s quick, easy, and effective. We have two types of lasers available in our Lawrence office that have proven effective in eradicating these spots.
Laser Treatment of Age Spots Overview
Your First Visit
At your initial visit we will evaluate your areas of concern and discuss options for treatment, recovery time, and the potential for scarring. In some cases, we may recommend no laser treatment at all, as some of these can be treated with a topical agent or other methods.
If laser treatment is needed, we will discuss how this is performed, expected recovery time, expected results, and develop a treatment plan. Costs of the procedure will be discussed as this is considered a cosmetic procedure and not covered by insurance.
The Procedure
Laser treatments are performed at our Lawrence office by our physicians or trained aestheticians utilizing a local or topical anesthetic. We will utilize our Venus erbium laser or IPL device to treat these individual areas which ever is better suited for your condition.
Treatment times are usually 30 minutes or less and typically have minimal or mild discomfort afterward. In most cases, normal activities can be resumed right away. The treated areas often will initially darken before they fade, so don’t plan any important social activities right away. The spots will then gradually fade over the next 1-2 weeks. It is important to avoid sun exposure or use a good sunscreen for the first several weeks after treatment.
Laser treatment of age spots is clearly superior to other methods of treatment, which are more prone to scarring and abnormal pigmentation after treatment. This easy, low cost treatment is remarkably effective.