1112 W. 6th St, Suite 210, Lawrence, Kansas 66044


5120 SW 28th St
Topeka, K S 66614

Do I Need a Breast Implant Revision or Removal?


Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, M.D.

Women who have had breast implants may eventually want to consider revision surgery, either to remove the implants or to replace them with new ones. There are a number of reasons why women might make this decision, from changes in their bodies to changes in their lifestyles.

In general, the best way to determine whether you need breast revision or removal is to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. Patients who may need their implants removed or replaced usually see us for one or more of the following reasons:

Top Reasons for Breast Plant Revisions or Removal

Implant deflation (saline implants)

 As saline breast implants age, they can develop a small hole that allows the saline to leak out. The loss of volume in a saline implant typically occurs over a relatively short period of time, sometimes just a day or two. The breast becomes smaller and softer as the body absorbs the saline. Although not a dangerous situation, patients usually see us because of their concerns over the asymmetry that becomes obvious and seek a replacement.

Implant deflation (silicone implants)

If silicone implants leak, the capsule that forms around the implant often contains the silicone gel, so there may be no noticeable change in the feel or appearance of the breast. However, the gel can sometimes trigger an inflammatory change in the capsule resulting in a contracture of the capsule and a firm, even painful breast. The silicone gel can also escape from the capsule into the surrounding tissues.  Removal (with or without replacement) is encouraged in this circumstance.

Size changes

We have seen patients that were initially very happy with their appearance when they underwent implant placement many years ago, whether for cosmetic or reconstructive reasons, who now desire a size change or implant removal due to changes in their figure related to weight changes or the normal aging process.

Implant “upgrade”

While most patients with saline implants achieve good results, some patients have expressed a desire to have these exchanged for silicone implants as these generally have a more natural feel and are less prone to rippling.

Capsular contracture

Patients occasionally will develop a capsular contracture, which is a tightening of the body’s tissue that forms around the implant. In some cases, we can address this surgically and use your existing implants but we generally recommend replacement with new implants especially if they are older ones.

Talk to us

With over 25 years of experience we’ve managed patients with a wide variety of implants originally placed from the 1970’s to the 2020’s. If you’re considering breast implant removal, replacement or revision we have many options that might work best for you.

Implant removal – Depending on the condition, we can remove the implants with an “en-bloc” technique, or a less invasive technique with shorter recovery.

Implant removal with replacement- We can replace your implants with a similar size and type of implant or you can choose a different implant to suit your needs.

Implant removal or replacement with mastopexy (breast lift)- We can remove or replace your implants and combine this with a breast lift to correct the position and shape of the breasts.

Correction with capsulectomy, capsulotomy, pocket correction- Depending on the age of the implants, these type of revisions may allow you to keep your current implant while simply adjusting the shape of the breast or correcting a capsular contracture.

There are many options to consider so it’s important to do your research and consult with a reputable plastic surgeon. At Lawrence Plastic Surgery, we can evaluate you and help you decide the best path.

During your consultation, we’ll answer any questions you have about the procedure, discuss your goals, and help you decide if surgery is the right choice for you. To learn more about our practice or to schedule a consultation, please call us today. We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals.