Breast Lift

Breast Lift Overview

Age and pregnancy can take their toll on breasts. In order to lift the breasts and restore them to a “perky” appearance, a breast lift (mastopexy) is performed to reshape and reposition the breasts. If more volume is needed, a breast implant can be placed during the same operation. We will carefully evaluate your breasts, discuss options available, and work together to plan the operation that best suits your needs.

Best Candidates

Although a breast lift can be performed at almost any age, ideally we perform this after the patient is finished with childbearing. Pregnancy, childbirth and breast-feeding are possible after a lift but the results may be affected (more droop again). Of course, patients should be in overall good health and we insist patients be nicotine free at the time of surgery.

In addition to the purely cosmetic use of breast lift procedures, we also perform a  number of lifts on breast reconstruction patients to help their natural breast better match their reconstructed breast.

Fast Facts

Approximately 100,000 breast lift procedures are performed in the US each year.  Almost 70% of patients were between the ages of 30 and 55.

The Operation

Although a breast lift can be performed at almost any age, ideally we perform this after the patient is finished with childbearing. Pregnancy, childbirth and breast-feeding are possible after a lift but the results may be affected (more droop again). Of course, patients should be in overall good health and we insist patients be nicotine free at the time of surgery.

In addition to the purely cosmetic use of breast lift procedures, we also perform a  number of lifts on breast reconstruction patients to help their natural breast better match their reconstructed breast.

View the Breast Lift Procedure in 3D

Types of Breast Lifts

The way we perform your mastopexy is highly dependent on the amount of excess skin you have, the amount of lifting that is required, and the quality of your breast tissue. The approach is highly individualized for each patient. If a relatively small lift is required, a periareolar mastopexy (also called a “doughnut mastopexy”) may be adequate, where the entire incision (and scar) is only a circular one around your areola. More commonly, there is excess skin that needs to be removed on the lower part of the breast and a circumvertical mastopexy will be required. This results in a “lollipop” shaped incision (around the areola and a straight line down the lower half of the breast.) Finally, when there is significant excess skin such as after massive weight loss, the “lollipop” scar will be extended horizontally beneath the breasts resulting in an anchor or inverted T scar.

When additional volume is required in the breast, and to increase fullness in the upper half, we may suggest placement of breast implants to improve your results. Implants can be placed with all the mastopexy techniques mentioned above. During your consultation, we will be able to described and detail which approach would be best for you.

Combined Procedures

As mentioned above, a breast lift is often combined with the placement of breast implants (augmentation-mastopexy). It also can be performed at the same time as other body contouring procedures such as abdominoplasty (“mommy makeover”), liposuction, thigh lift, and other procedures. 

We also have patients who choose to undergo facial cosmetic procedures at the same time as their breast operation. Patients appreciate being able to have these other procedures done while they are already asleep in the operating room so they can have a single recovery period. Of course, not all procedures are appropriate to be combined on a given patient, so be sure to ask. We don’t want to jeopardize your outcome or safety for the sake of convenience.


Most patients are on their stronger pain medications for 1-3 days after the procedure, then transition to non-narcotic medications. There is generally more initial pain when an implant is placed. We keep our patients in a surgical bra for about a week, then switch you to a sports bra. The time before you can return to work and everyday activities varies from patient to patient, but 1-2 weeks is adequate for most patients. Again, some have returned to work much sooner, while others have taken longer, especially those with jobs requiring heavy lifting or strenuous activities.

Financing & Payment Options

For information regarding insurance and payment options, please visit our Financing page. We can give you price information prior to the procedure so you can understand your financial obligations.

Patient Forms

Please fill out paperwork at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment.

Breast Lift Gallery

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