Mini Necklift Overview

The ideal in-office procedure for early sagging in the neck and jowl region. Patients get better and longer lasting results than laser, RF microneedling, and thread lift treatments offered in medspa settings. The downtime and even the cost is less than many of these procedures and the results are immediate.

Mini Neck Lift Overview

Best Candidate

After decades of performing necklifts we realized there was a need for a less extensive procedure. We developed this technique a few years ago as a less invasive, in office alternative and have liked the results we’re getting.

The procedure is best suited for patients with:

  • Mild to moderate skin excess in the neck
  • Mild to moderate jowling
  • Previously treated with a thread lift or skin tightening treatment with limited
  • Previous facelift or necklift patients that need a “touch up”.
  • Are looking for a less invasive, shorter scar alternative to a standard necklift

Your First Visit

At your initial consultation we will evaluate your face, review your photographs, and discuss ways we can achieve the look you want.  We will review the procedure, showing photographs and diagrams on how it is performed, and come up with an operative plan that suits your needs. 

Of course, we will ask you about your overall health history and medications to make sure we can do the operation safely.  If you have certain medical conditions we may need to contact your primary physician prior to surgery for medical clearance.

Combined Procedures

Mini necklifts address one of the most obvious features of aging- sagging tissue.

However, they don’t address two other important aspects of aging- a deterioration of
skin quality (elasticity, pigmentation, thickness,etc)  and volume loss in the face.  We will discuss with you the importance of a good skin care regimen and arrange for a complimentary consultation with one of our aestheticians, our experts in skin care.  You may also benefit from other procedures at the time of surgery that will help enhance your overall result of your necklift.

Mini Necklift VS Full Necklift

The best procedure for a patient depends on how much sagging is present. With significant sagging skin, significant jowling, prominent platysmal bands, a full necklift will be required. A Mini procedure simply won’t give adequate improvement. One operation is not “better” than the other. 

However, one may be better for you than the other.  It is important to select the right operation that fits your problem and your

The Procedure

The procedure is performed in our office with local anesthesia and oral sedation. We prescribe medication prior to the procedure to help you relax and minimize your pain and discomfort. You will start the medication prior to arriving.

After your markings are completed, you will be comfortably positioned on our procedure table and your face and neck will be cleansed with and antiseptic prep solution. Local anesthetic will be injected at our incision sites and under the skin. If needed, we will begin the procedure with liposuction of the jowls, then proceed with undermining the skin on one side of your neck. Strong suspension sutures will be placed internally to tighten underlying neck muscles, then the skin will be pulled back, excess skin removed, and the incision closed. Once the other side is finished a light dressing will be applied.

After the procedure, we place a light head wrap type dressing that will remain in place overnight and we will have you return to the office the following day to be checked. Pain afterward is mild to moderate and is controlled by oral pain medication. Expect to be in our office 2 ½ to 3 hours from start to finish.


Pain is generally mild after the procedure. We always give our patients pain medication
after the procedure but most patients take only a few pills. Most patients experience some swelling or bruising after the procedure but this tends to be mild.

You can resume normal activities the following day but should avoid strenuous activities for 7-10 days.

The sutures behind the ears are removed in 10-14 days. Makeup may be worn shortly after surgery to cover any bruising.

Financing & Payment Options

We have had patients referred to us with significant abnormalities that have caused ongoing problems with infection, irritation, etc. that represent a significant medical problem. In these cases, we have submitted the information to their insurance company prior to surgery and have been able to obtain coverage for labiaplasty as a medically necessary procedure.

However, in most cases, the procedure is regarded as primarily a cosmetic procedure and therefore not covered by insurance plans. After we have evaluated you and determined the procedure to be performed we will be able to give you the information regarding the cost of the procedure.

Patient Forms

Please fill out paperwork at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment.

How It Works

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