1112 W. 6th St, Suite 210, Lawrence, Kansas 66044


5120 SW 28th St
Topeka, K S 66614

Saline Breast Implant Deflation


Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, M.D.

Saline implants have been used for over 50 years, but saw their greatest use from the early 90’s to 2007, when silicone implants were largely unavailable. 

They can give great-looking results but generally have a less natural feel, especially in thin patients.  They’re sturdy when first put in but can sometimes develop a small leak from wear and tear over the years. 

When this happens they often can deflate nearly completely over a few days although we have seen partial deflations as well.  No imaging studies are needed- the change in the size of the breast is obvious as the body simply absorbs the saline solution inside- it’s the same saline solution used in a hospital IV bag.

If this happens we like to see these patients fairly soon after the deflation as replacement is easier if done early.  A patient with a deflation has a few options:

  1. Remove the implants – This is the easiest procedure  (in some cases can be done as an office procedure) but will leave the breast smaller and potentially very deflated in appearance. 
  2. Replace the implants – This is also a fairly straightforward procedure, especially if no significant size change is planned.  We generally recommend replacing both implants as we have seen several patients have a single side replaced only to develop a deflation on the other side a short time later.  Patients may choose to stick with saline or change to silicone.
  3. Remove the implants, perform a breast lift – If implants are no longer wanted but removal will leave the breasts unacceptably deflated, the breast tissue can be rearranged and lifted following removal of the implants.  These can be challenging cases, especially when there is very little volume in the breast.
  4. Replace the implants, perform a breast lift – If the breasts have drooped or changed over the years, you may choose to replace the deflated implants with new implants (silicone or saline) and correct the shape of your breasts that may be the result of childbirth, weight changes, or aging.  It may be a good time for a “tune-up”. 

Unlike silicone implants, removing a saline implant that’s leaked typically doesn’t require an extensive removal of the capsule.  Therefore, recovery is typically easier in these cases.

If you choose to have the implants replaced because of a deflation the manufacturer will typically give you another pair of implants of a similar size and other warranties may apply.  We’ll discuss these in a later section. 

We’re very familiar with saline breast implants, and have placed many for both cosmetic and reconstructive patients over the years.  If you’ve had a deflation give us a call and we’ll get you taken care of. 

Next- silicone implant deflation.