
Saline Breast Implant Deflation
Saline implants have been used for over 50 years, but saw their greatest use from the early 90’s to 2007, when silicone implants were largely unavailable.

Breast Implant Removal, Replacement, & Revision: Why We Do It
We see a number of patients in our office who are considering breast implant removal, revision, or replacement for a variety of reasons. The most common reason is the patient has physically changed since their implants were placed many years ago (we all do)!

Cheek Fat Removal- Think Twice
We’ve been getting calls to our office about cheek fat removal. Removal of the cheek fat
(buccal fat pad) is a relatively easy office procedure that can be done through an incision inside
the mouth so there’s no external scar. It’s done to give the face more definition and a more sculpted look. So why not do it? Here’s why it may be a bad idea.

Gauged earlobe repair specialists?
A patient came to see us recently for repair of her gauged earlobes because she said we were known as “the best place to have this done.” We’ve been doing this for years but didn’t realize we had built up a reputation!

High BMI Breast Reduction
We’ve had several patients recently undergo breast reduction surgery with a BMI of 40 or greater.

Our Office Is Getting a Facelift!
After years of performing facelifts, we’re finally getting one for ourselves. Renovations and remodeling are about complete for our entire office space.